God Chose you; Overcoming Rejection

Today we’re going to talk about breaking the lie of rejection. The enemy would like to steal your worth and value, he’ll tell you that you’re insignificant or you don’t matter.

But when you know what to do, he will not have his way in your life.

In my own life, I experienced some rejection from a certain person who held a title that was supposed to be nurturing and loving. It came every time I came into contact with them, and it was so painful.

This person by their behavior said to me;  you don’t matter, you’re not enough, and you aren’t valuable.

This was a lie that I had to overcome.

Ephesians 1:4 says,

just as he chose us and him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love (NKJV)

God Chose You Before the Foundation of the World

One thing I thought of that illustrates this point is that I used to design teddy bears, and before I would craft each one, I imagined what it would look like.

I remember fondly one that I turned into a cat holding a sign that said, Free bird sitting, with a feather coming out of his mouth.

One I imagined was purple, one a panda, and another was wearing a party hat.

But with each bear that I made, they all started with a thought, an idea of what I wanted them to be.

I would cut out the fabric and fashion together what was previously only in my imagination.

Each one was unique and special to me.

Can you imagine how God looks at us this way?

Before He even created this world you were thought of, you were an idea in His mind, imagined by Him.  He formed you together in your mother’s womb and watched you come into being.

Can you imagine the excitement at you coming into this earth, the plans and the purposes for you on his mind?

Jeremiah 1:5 says,

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you (NKJV).

Healing From Rejection

This person in my life who rejected me did not choose me, and continually made it known that they didn’t value me.

But as I grew more mature, I learned that it was okay to step away from this person and not let them have a place in my life any longer, and I learned to heal.

So how do we heal from rejection?

First, recognize that rejection is a lie.

When me and my husband served in the Cleansing Stream ministry, one thing we used to ask people was, “What is the lie?”

And in this case that we’re talking about, the lie is that we are unwanted or not valuable.

Then, after the person would state the lie, we would say, “What is the truth? What does God say about this?”

And the truth in this situation is that God chose you before the foundation of the world.

He wanted you, He delights in you, and He wants to do a work in your life.

So, when those thoughts of rejection come, remind yourself of the truth by declaring the word of God.

What if It’s an Ongoing Struggle?

If rejection is an ongoing struggle for you, declare the word out loud every day.

Keep it where you can see it.

Declare it so you can hear it.

God chose you in Him before the foundation of the world and has made you accepted in the beloved. That, my sister is the truth.


So, when that feeling of rejection comes, identify the lie right away.

Ask yourself what God says.

What is the truth of this situation?

Set your mind on that truth and declare that word out loud.

Dear sister, you can walk free from the lie that you are unwanted or rejected. Don’t let the enemy steal your worth and value anymore.

Can I pray for You?

Father God, I pray for my dear sister in Christ. Where rejection has taken hold of her heart,  I pray that you  would show her Your truth, that she would know your truth deep in her heart Father God; that she is chosen by you. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.


I’m excited to announce that in the next month or so I’m going to start filming Abide in Jessu on YouTube as well. I’ll still be here on the podcast, but if you like video, keep your ears open to find out when the first video is up.

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