The scripture for today is Mark 8:29 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Messiah” (NIV).

Who do you say that I am? is the question we’re going to look at today.

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Who Do you Say That I am?

There was a time where people would talk to me about Jesus, and I wondered if I could really trust Him. I wondered if He was for real, if He kept His promises.

People told me that He did. But I had experienced so much pain, so much trauma and so much failure from the people who were supposed to take care of me, that I was looking at God that way.

And so when people talked to me about Him, I wondered, “Is this real? Can I trust him?”

It wasn’t until later that He revealed Himself to me in a very powerful and precious way; in a way that left no questioning whether He loved me, whether He was for me, whether He was for real.

The healing He had for me didn’t happen overnight. But when He revealed Himself to me in that moment, I knew that I knew that He was with me and that He was for me.

So, in this passage in Mark, Jesus is asking His disciples, “What are people saying about me?”

His disciples told Him what people were saying, But then Jesus says, “But who do you say I am?”

Who do You say that I Am, a question for you too.

And I think Jesus would ask that of each of us.

“Who do you say that I am?”

You know what other people are saying. Some people are saying bad things about Jesus, and some people are saying really good things about Him.

But who is He to you? what would you say to Him today if He asked you, “Who do you say that I am?”

Have you asked him to reveal himself to you?

Many of us have been walking with Jesus for a long time. But what I’m talking about is, are there areas of our lives that we still don’t trust Him?

Are there areas of our lives where we’re still in fear, or we question if His promises to us are really for us?

That my sister is where we need to turn to Jesus and say,

Lord, Reveal Yourself to me in this moment, reveal Yourself to me in this situation. Help me to trust You. Help me to be the one who says who You are.

It’s so important for you to be able to say, from your own heart, that Jesus is your savior. To say, Jesus is my defender, my provider, my comforter, and the healer of my broken heart.

Can I pray for you today?

Father God, I pray for my dear sister in Christ where she has not known who You are, where she has seen bad examples of father figures or authority figures, or people in the church who have not had good fruit. I pray Father for your healing touch upon my sister in Christ.  And I pray, Father God, that You would reveal yourself to her, who you are, through Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

If you feel like, you know, someone who would benefit from this, would you share it with them?

This episode was inspired by day 16 of my Bible study, Healing the Father Wound.  

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