
image courtesy of Iamnee/

An important person in my life didn’t believe in me.

I felt God’s calling to write. I felt God’s calling to give up secular college and attend Bible College instead.

And though God had confirmed these things to me in many ways and through different people, what this person said and did broke my heart.

It was as if they needed to stand against any step of faith I took. They didn’t believe God would call me.  They didn’t believe writing was a good career choice.

Their words, actions and questions left me discouraged and hurt.

I brought it to God over and over again. I forgave, but their behavior did not stop.

Until Graduation.

At the reception they stood next to someone who was important to them, who happened to be one of my teachers. My husband and I came over to say hello to this teacher, and waited while they talked.

My teacher finally said hello, and we chatted a bit.

The conversation turned to writing. This teacher had no idea that the person standing next to them was my biggest discourager. And with them standing right there,  my teacher praised my writing, and told me to never stop, because I didn’t know  just how many people it could reach for the kingdom of God.

I left my graduation thanking God for what He’d done.

And I never heard another discouraging word  from this person.

Between the time that I heard their first words of discouragement, and that conversation with my teacher, it was painful. I felt like quitting at times. I wondered if their words were true, if I’d ever succeed.

I’m glad I didn’t quit. For if I had, I would not have seen the victory.

My first book is being published this year.

God has created you with a purpose in mind. He has called forth gifts and talents in you. And what He has called forth, He will bring to birth if you will not quit.

Stay close to the Lord in prayer and in the word. Stay in fellowship with other believers who will lift you up and encourage you. Keep moving forward with the Lord, following his leading and guidance. Forgive those who would discourage you for whatever reason. Lift them up to the Lord and release them into His hands. Thank Him that He is working behind the scenes on your behalf to bring you into the plans He has for you.

And know that if you ever need to be vindicated, the Lord will do it for you.

What He has called forth in you, He will bring to birth.

Lord Jesus, I choose to forgive those who have discouraged me from following after you with my whole heart. I lift them up to you and release them into your hands. They are your burden and not mine, and I refuse to be offended. I ask Father, for your hand working in this situation, and for your divine encouragement. Thank you that you are working on my behalf, even if I can’t see it yet. Help me to keep moving forward with you. In Jesus name, Amen.

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