Will God Ever Heal My Broken Heart?

When you are hurting, it can be hard to imagine ever being happy again, let alone joyful. I remember someone saying to me, “The joy of the Lord is your strength” (See Nehemiah 8:10 ). I was so far from joyful, I didn’t feel strong at all. In fact, I felt the farthest...

Happy Valentine’s Day

You are God’s Valentine. He loves you so much He can’t keep His eyes off of you (Psalm 139). He has your name written on the palm of His hands (Isaiah 49:16). He can’t stop thinking about you (Psalm 8:4). And He is filled with such great love for you...

How To Pray For Restoration

It nearly swallowed me whole. The emotional and spiritual pain became my sole focus. I prayed about the pain, cried to God about it, and then talked about it to anyone who would listen. I was really searching for someone, anyone to help me. You, like me, may have been...

Do You Often Feel Alone?

Often, when you have suffered abuse, you feel the most alone when you are with people. It’s hard to come out of yourself. You’ve been trained to hide, to not allow yourself to be vulnerable before others. When the church we went to started talking about getting...

Thirty Minutes A Day Changed My Life

I did it every day. After I took my kids to school in the morning, I turned on some worship music in my kitchen, and while nobody was home but me, I belted out songs of worship and spent time with the Lord. Sometimes I cried, bringing Him my tears. Sometimes I was...

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God Sees Your Tears: 30 Prayers for Comfort and Healing

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