Photo Credit josterix

Photo Credit josterix

I had just secured a permanent position at the library. It wasn’t the closest library to my house, but we liked each other and it seemed like a win win situation. I had been working as a sub at many different libraries so I was excited to have a permanent home.

Then another library, within a week, offered me the same position. It was closer to my house, and it was busier so I knew I’d be busier. It seemed ideal. The manager called me directly about the job and said I’d interviewed for the same position at another library so she could hire me without interviewing.

I was excited. I loved both libraries, but the one just offered was closer. I was equally excited that  I didn’t even have to interview. That doesn’t happen often in city jobs.

Yet when I prayed, I felt the Lord saying not to go to this new library. (This was years ago, even before Bible College). Yet, I thought of all the  commute time I would save being closer to home.  I decided to go anyway. I accepted the position and left the library that had just hired me.

I came to regret it. The library I went to was busier, but they also had more staff that were always in strife with one another. There was hardly a peaceful day. In fact, it was stressful!

Through this experience, I learned that it is definitely better to listen to God.  At the time of the decision it didn’t make sense to not make a move closer to home. All I saw was the drive time and gas. What He saw was the strife and how unhappy it would make me.  God sees things we don’t.

Spend time with God in worship, prayer and His word. As you do you will become more accustomed to His voice. Know that He will never lead you contrary to His word. Growing accustomed to His voice and listening to Him in the everyday things can train you to listen to Him in the big things.

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21 NIV).

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