I used to meet with people who came in for prayer at our former church. One day, this woman came in wanting prayer for her niece. This other lady and I were praying for her niece, but I just kept getting this feeling about the woman who brought her niece in, and it wouldn’t go away, but kept getting stronger.

So finally, I said to her “Do you write?”

And it turns out that she felt the Lord had called her to write, but she had given it up and had not gone back to it. It’s almost as if she was saying she thought she was too old to pick it back up. She thought God’s purpose for her was gone because she’d laid it down.

Then without even thinking about it, these words came out of my mouth, “It’s not too late. It’s not too late for you to start writing again.”

Have you laid down your Dream?

And many of us have felt called to something, most likely early on… and we gave up on that dream. Life happened, and the pursuit of that purpose, God’s purpose for us. That dream went out the window.

But I feel like God wants to bring some dreams back to life.

God Wants to Bring Dreams Back to Life

Have you been feeling that pull to pick up what you once dreamed about?

Each one of us has a purpose, something we were put on this earth to do. Just like a fingerprint, God’s purpose for you is unique. Some may be called to write, but we write in different ways and to different people. Some are good listeners, some are meant to serve and have ministries of hospitality. Some have a heart for children, some for the elderly and some for painting beautiful pictures.

So dear sister, I want to ask, what was the dream on your heart that you lay down because life happened or because someone discouraged you, or the enemy lied to you about your ability?

How do you pick that dream back up and walk in God’s Purpose for You?

I think the first place to start picking up that dream again, and God’s purpose for your life is to first start at the feet of Jesus.

Come to Him in worship and in prayer, read His word. And when a verse speaks to your heart journal about that verse, or pray it back to God. Ask the Lord to show you what He wants for you and what His dream is for you.

A lot of people are kind of afraid of following the Lord’s dreams for them. But truly the Lord’s dreams for you line up with what your dreams are, as long as you’re following Him, because He’s put that in your heart.

Psalm 37:4-5 in the NKJV says

delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.

So dear sister, it is, as we delight ourselves in the Lord, as we spend time with Him, that He will open that dream back up to us even further than it might have been before.

My Story

Even as a little girl, I wanted to be an author. But life happened for me too. I got married, had kids, and then in my thirties, it’s like all the trauma I’d experienced as a child, the things I was trying to hide from and get away from all of it came rushing back into my life.

And as I started to heal and to deal with those things, I spent a lot of time at the feet of Jesus, because truly it is through Him that I was healed. He used counselors, He used ministries, He used people… but He led me to each one person and worked through them in different ways.

Hearing His Voice

So, as I was sitting at His feet, I started to hear the words, I need you to write.

I kept feeling this call to write and it wasn’t going away.

I remember telling God that I forgot even how to write.

I used to write stories all the time when I was a little girl, but I forgot how to even do it.

But the Lord directed my steps to people and things that taught me how to write once again, I had given up my dream, but God was bringing it back to life.

What if You Lost your Joy?

But what about, if you were walking in that dream, but you laid it down because you lost the joy for it?

There was a time, even in the last few years that I lost my joy for writing.

A person came into my life who saw I could do a good job and they wanted me to help them with their project. I said, yes, but then it kept getting bigger and bigger.

And I just lost the joy for writing.

I hung up writing for a while altogether.

I was tired, weary, and I had lost my joy. But the truth was that I needed to have some boundaries and not let anyone put something on me that I didn’t want to give.

It was just a big lesson in boundaries.

I took a break for a while,and the Lord helped me to pick it back up.

And once again, I found my joy.

So, if you’ve lost your joy for something, bring that to the Lord too.

Maybe you need a break from it. Like I did. Maybe there are some boundaries you need to set. Spend time with the Lord and ask Him to help you see what happened that stole your joy.

Maybe He will even lead you in a new direction.

How do I know if it’s God?

I just want to speak to the question of, how do I know I’m hearing the Lord when I’m sitting at the Lord’s feet? How do I know that it’s him?

 I just wanna say to you that you will walk into it.

For those of you that are afraid of making a mistake, I don’t think the Lord would ask you to do something so big that you could make this huge mistake.

I think He would first lead you in the small things, so that as you follow Him in small things, you’ll be more confident in hearing His voice and you’ll follow Him into bigger things.

That’s really how the Lord worked with me and growing in the confidence that I was following His leading.

 Isaiah 30:21 in the NKJV says

Your ears shall  hear a word behind you saying, “This is the way, walk in it, whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.”

 So, as you sit before the Lord and ask Him to show you His purpose for you, or bring your dream back to life, or give you direction, or restore your joy… know that that’s what He will do.

As you pray on this, He will bring dreams back to life, show you God’s Purpose for you, and open doors for you.

Picking up the Dream Again

Dear sister in Christ, God has called you to this earth for a special and unique purpose. You are not here by accident. The Lord has plans and purposes for you.

Is it time for your dream to come back to life?

Is it time to ask Him to give you direction and wisdom to help you walk out the God-given plans and dreams He has for you?

Dear sister in Christ, you matter, and your life matters. God will use what you’ve been through and weave it into the tapestry of your life and dreams to be used for good.

And I know it’s really easy to ask, “How can God use such darkness? The things that I’ve been through, for good?”

 I’ve asked Him that myself.

Sometimes you’ll just be going about your life, walking in your God given purpose, and you don’t even know the impact that you are making for the Kingdom, just being right where you are and doing what you’re doing.

So dear sister, is it time to pick up that dream again?

Can I pray for you today?

Father God, I pray that as my dear sister sits at Your feet and gives you her plans and dreams; the broken dreams, the buried dreams, the dreams that have been stomped on my others, as she brings you the places where she’s lost her joy, I pray Father, that you would breathe life, breathe life back into her broken dreams.

I pray that you would direct my sister’s steps and help her to fulfill her God-given purpose on this earth and Lord, where she’s been made to feel unimportant, less than or unworthy, I pray Father God, that you would begin to show her her worth and value in You. In Jesus mighty name, amen.

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© Carolyn Rice 2022

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