Today we’ll look at the truth that God chose you for a purpose and look at some ways that you can walk out that purpose today.

When I was getting ready for this podcast, this memory came to mind and it’s kind of funny, but it illustrates the point so well. It was near Thanksgiving and my husband and I had gone on the grocery store date and we were getting the Thanksgiving Turkey.

And so, we’re at the grocery store and we come upon this big thing of frozen turkeys. I mean, so many to choose from.

And my husband says, “I think I need to go to the store across town to get the Turkey.”

I just looked at him and I was like, “What are you talking about? We have all of these turkeys right in front of us. What is the point of going across town to get a Turkey?”

And he just says, “I don’t know. I just have a feeling that I need to go to this store across town to get our Turkey.”

So, I’m thinking, Okay. Whatever. If you want to spend your time getting a turkey from across town, that’s fine. But I had to go home and pick up the kids from school or do something with the kids.

So, he dropped me off at home and he went across town to get the Thanksgiving Turkey.

While he was there, he was in the parking lot and he ran into a couple from church, and they start talking about church.

Well, there was this man standing nearby and he came up to them and he said, “You guys go to church?”

And they answered yes.

The man said, “Would you please pray for me?”

This man had been desperate for someone to pray for him.

This so spoke to my heart because my husband, I’m looking at my husband going, Why? Why do you need to go across town to get a Turkey?

And he’s like “I don’t know. I just feel like I need to.”

And this was the Holy Spirit’s leading.

He sent this couple from our church and my husband to pray for this man who had been crying out for someone to pray with him. At that moment in time, God chose my husband and that couple from church for the purpose of praying and standing in the gap for this man who was wanting prayer.

God Chose you for a purpose as well, let’s look at how you can walk that out.

God Chose You for a Purpose

There are so many messages we hear about fulfilling our destiny, fulfilling your calling, but the truth of it all is, that it all starts with just letting God direct your steps in everyday life.

We all only have today.

So, what are you going to do today to follow the Lord?

Following the Lord today will take you into your tomorrow.  It’s really all about having your own walk with the Lord and letting Him lead you and guide you throughout your day.

Some ways that we can be sensitive to the Lord

Number one: spend some time, whatever time you have.

Don’t put a time on yourself that you have to spend so much time in the Word, or you have to read so much of the Bible to be good with God because that’s not true.

Spend some time, whatever time you have, with the Lord.

Read some of the Bible, and talk to God about what you’ve read.

Quiet yourself for a minute and just listen.

Let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart.

Just think upon that word.

Meditate upon that word.

I really like to have a time of praise and worship too. I feel like that prepares me. It just brings the presence of God in a special way.

Spending whatever time you have, whether it’s in your car, driving to work, whether it’s doing your dishes and having a prayer time, or you’re sitting down and you’re having a block of time for prayer, spend whatever time you have, spend it with the Lord, and this prepares you and prepares your heart for listening and being led by the Holy Spirit.

Ask the Lord to Direct Your Steps

Proverbs 16:9  in in the NKJV says a man’s heart plants his way, but the Lord direct his steps.

Another thing you can do is, you can say a prayer based on Proverbs 16:9.  You could say something like this:

Lord, I have my plans for today. I know what is on my to-do list, but I pray, Father, that you would direct my steps into your purposes today, in Jesus mighty name, Amen.

Be Open to Those Little Nudges

The third way you can walk in God’s purposes for today is to be open to the Lord’s little nudges.

Isaiah 30:21 in the NKJV says, your ears, shall hear a word behind you saying, This is the way walk in it. Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.

Dear sister, the Holy Spirit will guide you through your day, whether He’s giving you a feeling or a thought.  Thoughts can come that say, I should call that person.

The Camping Example

One time we went camping and we had rented what we thought was a cabin. We were packing, and we kept thinking, Well, I should bring that.

But we didn’t because we thought, Well, we’re gonna have a cabin, so why should we bring that?

And I feel like that was the Holy Spirit, because it ended up to not be exactly the cabin we thought we were renting, and we could have used all that stuff that we had a feeling to bring.

So that is the Holy Spirit speaking to you sometimes, is the little thought.

The, I should bring that, or I should call that person or that feeling that my husband had.  It was just a strong feeling and he couldn’t explain why, but he just felt like he should.

And as you walk in that you will grow more mature in discerning what the Lord’s leading is.

Pay attention to your feelings, the feelings and the thoughts that that the Holy Spirit gives to you.

Ephesians 2:10 in the NKJV says, For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in.

If we will walk out our everyday lives, walking with the Lord, we will come into what God has prepared for us.

The Lord knows the end from the beginning. God chose you for a purpose, and you can walk it out by following His leading.

All of Your Days Have Been Written in His Book

Psalm 139:16 in the NKJV say, Your eyes saw my substance being yet unformed.  And in your book, they all were written, The days fashioned for me when as yet there were none of them.

All of your days have been written in His book.

You are walking with the Lord, day by day.

All that we are promised right now is today.

So, walk with the Lord today.

God chose you for a purpose. So, what can you do today?

What Do You Need to Do to Walk in God’s Purposes?

I’ve seen so many in the church who have been like, “Oh, I have this purpose. I have this call. I have to do this!”

And really, what we need to do is be with Him today.

Spend time with Jesus today.

Be in his word today.

Grow a little bit more in the Word and in our walk with Christ today.

Follow His leading today and the next day we do the same thing.

His plans for us will unfold as we follow Him day by day.

We plan our ways, but God directs our steps.

The Woman in the Hospital

I was preparing for this podcast, and I thought of this.

Someone told it to me a long time ago. They told me of a grandmother and their grandmother had lived all of her days for Christ, but in the end she was in a coma.

And her granddaughter was wondering why, what purpose was all of this? Her sitting in a coma in the hospital?

One day this nurse came in and she said, “Every time I come into this woman’s room, I just feel so much peace.”

And it’s like all the days that she had lived for Christ, she carried with her, even in a coma. She carried with her that presence, that peace of God.

So dear sister, we often wonder about God’s plan and purposes for us.

Why are we here?

What’s our calling?

What are we supposed to do?

And we can feel like we don’t make much of a difference, and we wonder if we matter at all.

But it is in that place of taking the small steps with the Lord and listening to His still small voice and His leading, and the feelings that He gives us, and walking that out today and the next day, and the next, knowing that God is directing our steps, that He knows the end from the beginning. That as you walk out your daily life, you are walking with the Lord and you are walking in His purpose for you as you shine your light to the people around you.

What if I Miss it?

And I just want to speak to the woman who is wondering, Well, what if I missed it? What if I made a mistake? What if I didn’t walk with Him? What if I didn’t hear Him right?

And I want to share a story.

I was going to Bible college and I had that same thought in my head all the time. What if I make a mistake? What if I say the wrong thing?

And I was just so tired one day and I was on my way to Bible college and my mind was just trailing off, and I missed my exit.

And I though, Oh gosh, now I’m gonna be late for class.

And so I get onto the next exit and go around the backside of town and I get back onto the road that will lead me to the Bible college.  I stop behind this car, and the license plate has this series of numbers on it that really is special to me.

I stop and I take this deep breath and think, okay, I’m not gonna be late.

And the the Lord spoke to, so clearly.  I felt it in my spirit. “If you go down the wrong road, I’ll make sure you get back on the right one.”

Dear sister, if you are following Christ, if your heart is to be in His Word and to walk with Him and to listen to Him, if you make a mistake, He will bring you back on the right road.

Our God is merciful. He is good. He is loving, and you are His dear child, and if you honestly make a mistake, He will help you get back on the right road.

Can I pray for you today?

Father God, I thank you for my dear sister in Christ. I thank you that You chose her for a purpose to be where she is right now. I thank you, Father, that You chose her to be on this earth right now, this very moment. I thank you, Father that You chose her to be a light to the people around her today.

Thank you, Father, that she doesn’t have to have a degree in Biblical Studies to follow after Your leading.  I thank you, Father, that You are with her, Your presence rests with her. You delight in her. You chose her to be your daughter in Christ. Thank you, Father, for just showing her what Your purpose for her is for today, that You would direct her steps today, that she would feel Your peace and Your presence today. I thank You, Father for the purpose that You do have for my sister, but I thank you that her focus would be on walking with Jesus day by day. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Healing the Father Wound is Available October 17th!

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