Today, we’re focusing on Chapter Two of Healing the Father Wound, specifically the passage where Jesus heals the leper .

In my own life as a child, I suffered at the hands of another, and a person who should have loved me just stood by and let it happen. They even defended them. When I cried out for help, I was made out to be the problem. And so, I was left to suffer alone, betrayed by the one who should have helped me,

As I grew up, there was a sentence that went through my mind over and over, like a broken record:

No one is going to help you.

For years this ran across my mind.

But that was not the end of my story.

Mark 1:40-43

 I’ll share with you a little bit more of my story at the end. But right now, I want to talk about Mark 1:40-43 where we Jesus heals the leper.

Now a leper came to Him, imploring Him, kneeling down to Him and saying to Him, “If You are willing, You can make me clean. “Then Jesus, moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him, and said to him, “I am willing; be cleansed.”As soon as He had spoken, immediately the leprosy left him, and he was cleansed (NKJV).

I want to repeat again what Jesus said when He heals the leper.

I am willing.

Jesus is willing.

He’s not just stepping aside and watching things happen to you. He’s not just letting it happen and defending the one who is making you suffer.

That is not who He is.

The people who should have been there for me abandoned and betrayed me, but God did not. And as I followed Him, He took me on a journey of healing.

Over the course of several years, He brought me from a very shy, quiet, even shattered person who could not look anyone in the eye, who felt so ugly inside that she didn’t want anyone to see her, and through a series of events, and things that God led me to, He brought me to a place of freedom and healing.

What We can Learn from Jesus Healing the Leper.

And so, I want to ask you today, have you been crying out to God about something in your life?

Have you had that same sentence run through your mind, that no one is going to help you, or maybe it’s that no one can help you?

Have you felt abandoned and betrayed by the people around you? Have you even felt abandoned by God?

Listen again to the words He says when Jesus heals the leper.

I am willing.

Speak this Truth over Yourself

I want to speak that over you today as you think upon that thing that you’ve been crying out to your Heavenly Father about.

Your Heavenly Father is willing.

He’s not just standing by watching you suffer.

He is filled with compassion for you, and He is willing.

Declare that with me regarding your own situation.

Lord, I thank you that you are willing,

You are willing to heal my heart.

You are willing to work in my life.

You are willing to help me.

Add This to Your Own Prayer

And when you cry out to God about your own situation, follow that cry with,

Thank you, Lord, that You are willing.

You can follow along with this Bible Study by getting your own copy of Healing the Father Wound.

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