Recently, I was faced with a situation that had me very fearful. I couldn’t seem to get past the fear and was becoming discouraged.

A pastor who mentors me sat me down in her office and talked to me about declaring and decreeing the word of God.

A little while later, I heard a man teaching about the same thing, declaring the word of God.

And yet another time, my husband told someone we were ministering to that she needed to declare the word over her situation, to speak words of life. Even though he was speaking to her, it spoke to my heart as well.

The morning after my husband had spoken those words, during my devotions the only thing that stood out to me were verses about words and speaking them.

“Lord, obviously you are trying to tell me something about my words.” I said.

I thought, what if I declare the word while I take a shower and get ready?

I asked the Lord to give me a scripture about this situation that had been causing me so much fear. I waited on him and sure enough, a scripture came to mind. I started declaring it in the morning while I got ready, along with some other scriptures.

Within a week, the fear about this situation was gone. Faith rose up within me instead.

…the law of the Lord is to be on your lips (Exodus 13:9 NIV).

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God Sees Your Tears: 30 Prayers for Comfort and Healing

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