break“There have been things spoken over you,” the woman’s voice came over the phone. We’d been praying together for a ministry once a week, and at times we prayed for each other too.

I knew the words she was talking about; angry, hurtful words that were spoken over me as a child and well into my twenties. At that point I knew God wanted to heal me, but I wasn’t sure how He was going to do that. I felt hopeless and discouraged, wondering if I would ever be normal.

God, in His great love, led me to a place of healing. And not only that, He led me to a ministry that trained me to help others heal also.

All of us have had ungodly, hurtful, and heartbreaking things spoken over us. Destructive words can replay in your mind years later, bringing about the same emotions as when they were spoken.

You don’t have to replay those words any more, there is a way to be free.


The first step in breaking the power of ungodly words is to forgive the one who spoke them. It’s important to remember that forgiveness is a choice and not a feeling.

An example of how I have prayed to forgive:

Lord, I forgive ___________ for _____________. What they did hurt, and I ask for your healing. I release this person to you and place them into your hands. They are your burden and not mine. I will no longer carry this offense. In Jesus name, Amen.


The second step is to do the actual breaking.

A prayer I have prayed is:

In the name of Jesus, I break the power of these ungodly words spoken over me and I command them to fall to the ground. I break their power over my mind and cut them off now in Jesus name.


Next, ask the Lord to heal the places in your mind where the enemy used those words to torment you. Declare that you have the mind of Christ and the enemies lies are not welcome there anymore (1 Cor 2:16).


Replace the lies and ungodly words that have been spoken over you with Gods truth. Memorizing scriptures on what God says about you, and speak them out loud to yourself.

You don’t have to live in mental torment, replaying ugly words spoken over you anymore. You can be free through the power of Jesus Christ.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. ~Philippians 4:7 NKJV




Lord, I’m Broken is available on Amazon and wherever books are sold online.

Image courtesy of renjith krishnan at


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