A Life Broken by Abuse

I was afraid the tears would never stop. I believed the lie that nothing would ever change, that I would always hurt from the abuse, always be isolated and always have any good days ruined by dysfunctional people.

But God kept speaking His promises to me in prayer.

One day, a woman I’d invited over sat next to me on the couch and prayed. Then she looked at me and said,

“I see you sitting down with women, and telling them how you got over your past.”

My first thought was, that means I will get over my past.

It was the first inkling that there was hope for me; the first out loud words I had heard that God had a plan to heal the brokenness I lived in day in and day out.

That was nineteen years ago.

In those nineteen years, God has healed me beyond what I could have asked for.

God Has A Plan to Restore

I used to be afraid of talking to people, I couldn’t even look them in the eye. The thought of having a conversation with someone left me riddled with anxiety. I shook uncontrollably when faced with anyone in authority, terrified of them because of what I’d been through as a child.

Sleep evaded me, instead I trembled with fear, afraid if I slept something bad would happen.

Yet, little-by-little, God led me out of that torment. Now, I talk to people without even thinking about it. I no longer shake when I’m around those in authority, and I even start conversations with them.

Stepping Into New Life

This blog is about leaving the effects of abuse behind and stepping into the new life Christ has given you. I am here to give you prayers that I myself have prayed, tools that I myself have used, and the comfort of knowing you are not alone.

Remember that it is God who ultimately leads you to freedom, and you can find comfort and peace in His presence. I will also remind you to celebrate the small victories. It’s easy to look at the big picture and see how far you have left to go, when really, you just conquered a small mountain.

Your Pain is Real.

I will be here with you, posting about the realities of what I have gone through, what you may be going through, and how to overcome these things using biblical principles and relying on the peace and presence of God.

You can find freedom from a past filled with abuse. If you will invite God in to heal your heart and life, and commit yourself to following Him, you will walk into the freedom God has for you.

Healing is Possible

You can overcome the abuse you went through.

You don’t have to hide anymore.

God sees your tears, He hears your cry, and He has a plan for your restoration.

In his love,


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God Sees Your Tears: 30 Prayers for Comfort and Healing

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