About Carolyn Rice 

Short Bio (Scroll Down for Long Bio) 

Carolyn Rice holds an Associate Degree from Seattle Bible College. She has served in women’s ministry, Alpha Ministries, home group ministry, prayer ministry, taught Cleansing Stream Seminars, and served as the Alumni Director for Seattle Bible College.

She herself suffered abuse and found comfort and healing at the feet of Jesus. Ultimately, Jesus led her to people and ministries that helped her heal.  Carolyn’s books encourage, empower, and walk women through the Word of God into the victory that can only be found in Jesus Christ.  

Long Bio

It took a broken foot to slow Carolyn Rice down long enough to start writing. She’d just graduated Bible College, and asked God, “What’s next?” 

You see, her plan was to be a librarian, but she felt God calling her to go to Bible College instead. A month after graduation, she broke her foot. Carolyn doesn’t think God broke her foot, but He did use it. Because of where the break was, she didn’t walk for almost five months. During that time, she prayed about what to do, and felt God was calling her to write. 

One small writing course turned into three years of studying the craft of writing. 

Carolyn published her first book in 2016, a devotional called Lord, I’m Broken, which was later republished as Lord, Heal My Heart. 

She has since written three more books, Healing the Father Wound, Loved by the Father and God Sees Your Tears. She also hosts the Abide in Jesus Podcast, which has just started releasing as a video podcast on You Tube as well. 

Carolyn experienced the healing touch of Jesus in many aspects of her life, but mainly from a past of trauma and abuse that left her wondering if she would ever have a regular life, or ever truly heal. She suffered from nightmares, fear and anxiety. Terrible memories interrupted her day-to-day life, and she wondered if she would ever be free.

It was Jesus who picked up the pieces of her heart and put each one back together as she sat at his feet daily. He led her to the people and ministries that could help her heal.

Carolyn holds an Associate Degree in Biblical Studies. She has served in Women’s ministry, Alpha Ministry, taught Cleansing Stream Seminars, and served as the Alumni Director for Seattle Bible College.  Carolyn has also taught writing workshops at the Northwest Christian Writer’s Assocation’s annual writing conference.   

Carolyn writes for women who want to grow in Christ, to know their Heavenly Father more and to find healing and freedom through the Word of God and a growing relationship with Christ. Her books encourage, empower and walk women through the Word of God into the victory that can only be found in Jesus Christ.

Carolyn lives in Washington State, with her husband and two Boxer dogs, Annie and Charlie. She has two grown children, and a 7-year-old granddaughter who loves to come to Grandma’s house and blow bubbles for the dogs to chase. When she’s not writing, you can find Carolyn walking her dogs, watching I Love Lucy reruns, (her very favorite show!) or drinking tea from one of the too many cups she’s collected from every place she’s ever been. 

Grab a cup of tea or coffee and sit down with Carolyn through her books, blog, Podcast and Email newsletter. 

Blog Posts 

My journey from my own plans to God’s Plans 

Following God’s Plan 

He Heals the Brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. 

Psalm 147:3 NIV 


Carolyn Rice author Books Bible Study

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