Image courtesy of Simon Howden/

Image courtesy of Simon Howden/

How beautiful you are my darling! Oh, how beautiful, your eyes are doves ~ Song of Songs 1:15 (NIV)

I had wanted one for so long. Finally, I watched my husband and son build me a small raised garden. When they were done filling it, I went to work planting seeds, delighting in the earthy smell of fresh dirt. I was so excited I could barely wait for my seeds to grow.

Every day, I watered my new garden, watching, waiting for any new growth.

One morning, I opened up my curtains to see little green shoots coming out of the ground. “Look! Look! My plants are coming up!”

My husband and son rushed to the window, “where?”

I had to point out the tiny little specks of green I had been waiting for.  For the next few weeks I continued to watch, taking delight in every inch of growth.

I think of how I felt about my garden, and it reminds me how the Lord feels about His people. It all starts with accepting Jesus as our savior, and as we feed on the word of God it’s like a seed in us that starts to grow.  Our God is excited about the tiny shoots he sees sprouting up in our lives, even if others can’t yet see it.

The Lord delights in the growth He sees in you. He watches daily, delighting in every bit of maturity he sees. He loves you so much; He can’t take his eyes off of you.

You are cherished, loved, and adored by your Father in Heaven. Spend some time today in the Lord’s presence through worship and prayer, letting Him refresh and restore you. Like those little plants need water, we too need the Lord’s word and His presence to grow.

Father I pray for your people, that you would give them a hunger for your presence and your word. I pray that you would reveal yourself to your people, let them see who you really are…let them truly know their Father in heaven. Amen.


© Carolyn Rice 

Lord I’m Broken is available on Amazon and wherever books are sold online.


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