girlwindow2“Are you always going to hide, so no one can see you?” My friend asked.

We stood in the classroom after our Bible College class. I didn’t know what to say. There seemed to be such comradery in the students, except I didn’t feel I belonged. I could barely enter into conversation, how was I supposed to let anyone see me?

The abuse I had suffered taught me to hide. It taught that if I let anyone see me, they would tear me apart. I trusted no one, not even the loving people God had placed around me.

I didn’t know what to say to my friend. So, I said nothing. Her question came out of love, for God had given her a gift of seeing people as He saw them.

Slowly, as I spent time with the Lord and followed his leading and guidance, He brought me out of my shell, and healed that part of me which would hide from others. He taught me that not all people are like those I grew up with. He led me into a place of letting myself be seen, and allowing myself to be loved.

He placed significant people in my life who would fulfill the assignment of showing me the love of my Heavenly Father.

Your Heavenly Father sees you. He sees your heart. He sees your pain. He sees who you really are, deep down inside, and He loves you.

So great is His love for you, I can barely find the words. It is with great abandon, overwhelming, powerful, more than you could imagine.

He is not out to get you, but is waiting with open arms for you to come and cry on His shoulder.

I pray this week, that the Lord will reveal His love for you, that He will reveal how much he knows and sees your heart, and how overwhelming and powerful His love for you is. When He looks at you, He is not finding fault, He is looking at His valuable, beautiful, irreplaceable, precious daughter.


Heavenly Father, I pray that you would show me how great your love is for me. Show me that you see me, and you are not taken aback, but you love me so much you can’t keep your eyes off of me. Fill me with great confidence in your love, and help me to truly know the love of my Heavenly Father. Show me who you are. In Jesus name, Amen.

Psalm 139:1 O Lord, You have searched me and known me. (NKJV)

© Carolyn Rice 2017


Lord I’m Broken is available on Amazon,  through Redemption Press and wherever books are sold online.

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