journeyHealing is a journey you take with Jesus.

There are days you might feel like quitting. Don’t.

Keep putting one foot in front of the other.

There are days you will walk in joy.

Remind yourself of God’s faithfulness by writing it down.

There will be days all you can do is cry in His presence.

You are His beloved, and He will comfort you.

You will never walk alone.

Though people may fail you, Jesus will not.

You can trust Him to bring you through this.

You will not always be in this place. He will not leave you here.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest ~ Matthew 11:28 KJV 

© Carolyn Rice 2017

Lord, I’m Broken: A 90-Day Devotional is available on Amazon and wherever books are sold online.

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