For he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters (Psalm 24:2 NIV).

An artist spends time on his creation. He plans it, shapes it and molds it, making sure every part is in order. Some artists spend months on just one piece of art. And when that piece is done, he doesn’t just throw it in the corner, he displays it!

If the artist’s work is hurt in any way his first reaction is not to be done with it. No, he has fallen in love with the piece he created. It’s a part of him. He lovingly restores it, putting it back the way it was meant to be.

We are God’s masterpiece (Eph 2:10).

Wherever we have been hurt, bruised or wounded, God wants to come and restore. He wants to make things better. Will you let him come in and clean those wounds? It may hurt at first. When a wound has festered and is finally cleaned out it does hurt. There will be tears; but when the Lord is done there will be wholeness, restoration and peace.

It’s just a question of, will you let him come in and do the initial cleaning? Will you let the tears out that you’ve held in for years? Will you let the hurts go and put them into God’s capable hands?

Our God is a God of restoration, but he is also a gentlemen. You are his masterpiece, he longs to restore you, but he will not begin the work unless you allow him to.

He lovingly created you, putting each part just where he wanted it to be. He took time making all the elements that make you you. He adores you. He sings over you (Zeph 3:17) and he loves you. You are his masterpiece.

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