lightpath2When you are hurting, it can be hard to imagine ever being happy again, let alone joyful. I remember someone saying to me, “The joy of the Lord is your strength” (See Nehemiah 8:10 ). I was so far from joyful, I didn’t feel strong at all. In fact, I felt the farthest thing from strong.

The hurt I carried in my heart weighed me down, physically, spiritually and mentally. I lived in fear, wouldn’t let people in for fear of rejection, and hid myself deep down inside, so what people saw was but a shell of what God had created me to be.

But slowly, God brought me out; Little by little step by step.

Little by Little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land. ~Exodus 23:30 NIV

I remember a class discussion about the Israelites in Bible College, concerning why God took the Israelites the long way around instead of just taking them from A to B when they left Egypt.

We talked about the fact that where the promised land was, there were giants. If God took them straight from where they were to where the promise was, the battle would have been too great for them.

When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt. ~Exodus 13:17 NIV

With each step that you take into the freedom God has for you, there will be battles, because the adversary would like to keep you captive. But as you stand firm, even with your legs shaking in fear, you will learn that God is with you in each battle.

As you worship (2 Chronicles 20:22), as you stay in His word, and as you continue to stand on the faith that God has promised to heal your broken heart (Psalm 147:3) you will grow stronger and more confident, able to take on more because the Lord has been with you from the beginning, fighting the battles for you.

The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still. ~ Exodus 14:14 NIV

Ask the Lord to help you rest in Him.

Ask Him to calm your troubled heart.

Ask Him to give you the comfort you need today.

And walk with Him, letting Him lead you into great victories, one day at a time.

In His love,


© Carolyn Rice 2018

Lord, I’m Broken A 90-Day Devotional,  is available now.


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