Last night I awoke not long after I’d fallen asleep. Heartbreaking things that have happened in the past few months were heavy on my heart, and I found myself awake with each one on my mind. I tried to let myself fall back asleep, but instead, the tears came; silently they slipped down the side of my face toward the sheets below me.

I got up for a while and prayed, pouring my heart out to God and giving each thing back over to Him, telling Him they were His and I trusted Him with them. I thanked Him that he is my Father, and that He cares about the things I care about, and again thanked Him that I could trust Him. I fell back asleep after that, peace making its way upon my heart.

This morning as I read my Bible this verse stuck out at me. For the Lord has heard my weeping ~Proverbs 6:8B. I read it and was immediately reminded of a man who had prayed over us at Bible College. His words came back to me, “Lord, you’ve seen her tears.”

I was reminded that the Lord has heard my hearts cry, He’s seen my weeping, He’s seen my tears, and He cares, very very much. I may not understand all of what’s going on or why, but I do know that my Father loves me, He is for me and He will never leave me nor forsake me. He has seen every tear that has been shed over these things and He is working.

I felt led to stop and write this morning. With all that’s been going on I’ve found it hard to write. But this morning I got that little nudge. Share. Write.

I don’t know what you are going through, what heartaches may be keeping you awake at night. But I feel so strongly to tell you, your Father has heard your weeping, the Lord has seen your tears. You are not alone.

Weeping may endure for a night; but joy comes in the morning ~ Psalm 30:5 NKJV

Image Courtesy of FrameAngel/



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