Lord I'm Broken FC3Trust in The Middle of the Storm

Thus says the Lord to you: ‘Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but Gods.
2 Chronicles 20:15 NKJV

In the stillness of the night, I willed my heart to quiet within me, but it wouldn’t listen.
Without my permission, the tears escaped, rolling silently down my face towards my ears and onto the pillow. Even after they were gone, other tears, hot and wet, soon took their place. I couldn’t stop them.
I rose from my bed, wiped the wetness from my face, and collected my journal.
Dim light settled across the page as my pen fashioned words that painted a picture of my pain. Every letter, every word was a release until I felt I could close the book and go to sleep.
My alarm clock announced morning too soon.
I usually awoke to it beeping. But this morning, words from a Christian station filled the room. “You can’t trust the Lord for the current battles until you take the time to remember the battles He’s already won.”
Those words played in my mind all day, like a song I couldn’t get out of my head. And all day, I listed out battles that the Lord had already won. Instead of despair, I was filled with thankfulness. I felt faith rise up within me, that what God had done before, He would do again.
When you are overwhelmed with discouragement and a broken heart has got you down, take just a moment and think on the things God has already done. It will change your focus from the situation to God, and give you hope for the coming days.


Heavenly father, I choose to trust you. I thank you that you have already won many battles on my behalf. You have brought me this far and You will not leave me here. Thank you that you are a God who keeps your promises. In Jesus name, Amen.

© Carolyn Rice 2016

Taken From Lord, Im Broken page 5-6  Available on Amazon and wherever books are sold online.



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