pictureprayerRecently, I was looking back upon some notes I made while studying my Bible. In it I had written about someone who had literally made my life miserable for almost twenty years.

If I were acting that way I’d want someone to stand in prayer, not stand in judgement. I must  pray for _____________ that the darkness would come off of them.

I’m glad I wrote that note.

For almost two years later I was again reminded to pray for them at a critical time. And after I had prayed, the Lord worked a miracle.

Today I looked back and found that note.

And I am reminded of the question yet again.

What if we prayed for those who hated us? What if, instead of hating them back, or rehearsing the hurts over and over in our minds, we set ourselves to pray for them?

We could, through our prayers for God to work,  render them useless for the kingdom of darkness. We could pray them into the kingdom of light.

It’s a hard thing to swallow sometimes, I know firsthand. When someone has done you such wrong, and in the natural you have every right to hate them, every right to want to see them pay for what they did to you.

But in the Kingdom of God, things work backwards to the world.

What if you set your heart to pray?

But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.~ Matthew 5:44 NKJV


Lord Jesus, I pray for ____________ today. I pray that your will would be done in their life, that your love would overwhelm them. I pray that you would help me to love them with your love, that when they see me they will see you. Snatch them from the dominion of darkness and set them in the Kingdom of God. Bring their life into alignment with you.  In Jesus name, Amen.


Lord I’m Broken: A 90-Day Devotional is available on Amazon.

Photo credit David Castillo Dominici/freedigitalphotos.net






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