Have you felt stuck, like nothing would ever change for you? Have you tried and tried, only to feel like you would always be the same, that you’d always struggle? Today, I’m going to touch on mark 2:21 and talk about how God sometimes has us let go of the old so that He can do a new thing in us. I’ll share some of my own story with you and give you a prayer to pray asking God to work in your situation.

We’re on day 4 of my Bible study,  Healing the Father Wound.

The scripture for today is Mark 2:21.

No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment. Otherwise, the new piece will pull away from the old, making the tear worse (NIV).

The Garbage Dump of Life

I remember sitting in church for one of the first times as a young woman. The worship was going, and this woman got up on the platform and said she had an encouraging word for someone.

I remember her words so clearly, even though it was over 25 years ago.

She spoke of being in the garbage dump of life, walking through trash and things that got on you and were smelly…how God wanted to take you out of that, and help you walk above that garbage dump of life so that didn’t stick to you anymore.

I remember sitting there listening to this woman and how she was saying God wanted to help me out of that.

That is where I felt I was.

That is what I was dealing with.

Simply the garbage dump of life, coming out of dysfunction and abuse and all the effects that go with it.

I was just broken.

And I didn’t even realize at that moment that God could heal me.

The Journey

And from that day on, God took me on a healing journey. It did not happen overnight, but as I spent time with Him, He started to help me walk above the garbage dump of life.

He changed my life and led me into a place of peace and joy that I had never known before.

Letting Old Things Go

One of the things that He dealt with in my life as I walked with Him was letting go of the old things so that He could do a new thing in me.

As long as I held on to the brokenness, as long as I held on to the anger, and the bitterness; as long as I held on to unforgiveness and wanting justice, the new thing that He wanted to do in me wouldn’t fit in my life because I was holding on to those things that held me back from growing.

So, some of the things that He initially had me let go of were old relationships that were pulling me down. Friendships with people who were not of good character.

Old ways of doing things, old patterns of thinking and behaving that were not serving me well anymore.

Jesus Wants to Do A New Thing in You

Jesus wants to give you hope. He wants to heal your life. He wants to give you a future. He wants you to have joy and peace. And that is possible if you let go of the old, but it is truly a journey with Him.

He is gentle. He is loving. He is compassionate. And as you sit at His feet and give Him permission to come into your life. And deal with the old things so that he can do a new thing in you, He will bring you on that healing journey.

But How?

But how do we give Him permission to work in our lives to get rid of the old things? That is what I want to share with you today. A prayer that you can pray giving God permission to work in your life.

And that prayer is this.

 Lord, I surrender myself and my heart, every situation I’m walking through, into Your hands. I give You permission to come into my life and my heart and do a healing work in me. I give you permission to point out those things that I need to let go of in order to move forward.

Father God, I want to heal. I want to walk in peace. I want joy. And I want to experience more of Your presence in my life. Help me to walk out of the old so that you can do a new thing in me. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

Next week we’ll be touching on Day five of  Healing the Father Wound.

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God Sees Your Tears: 30 Prayers for Comfort and Healing

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