Peace in your home.

Dear Friends,

As I was praying this morning, I felt the Lord wanted me to continue writing about peace.

Right now, it’s so easy for peace to escape us. We can look at the things in the world, the things in our own families and homes, and when we look in the natural, peace can so easily be lost.

So today, I wanted to talk about making our homes, our dwelling places a place of peace, of rest, of hope.

How do we do that?

The first thing is to ask.

Ask the Holy Spirit to come and dwell in your home. Invite Him in and ask in Jesus’ name that your home be made into a place of peace.

Play worship music regularly in your home.

Once when our family was struggling with some spiritual battles in our home, we had a pastor that we worked with come and pray. She advised us to keep the worship music playing night and day. Worship is such a weapon against the enemy, and when it’s playing and you’re going about your day, you can enter into worshipping the Lord in song and praising His name. 

Pray over your property.

 Ask God to make your property a place of peace and rest. Again, invite the Lord in to have His way in you, your home and the land it sits on. Ask God to make it a place of peace. 

Declare scriptures out loud in your home, particularly those that promise peace. 

Remember that when we ask, God answers.

Keep praying for peace, keep declaring peace over your home, and keep standing for it.

Matthew 7:7 says, Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you (NLT).

In His love, 


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