Overcoming discouragement as a Christian

Have you ever prayed for something, and then watched as someone else got what you prayed for? You want to be happy for them, but inside you’re asking, what about me, God? Why haven’t you answered my prayer? Today, I’m going to share how to overcome discouragement as a Christian.

Stay close to Jesus.

When you are discouraged, stay close to Jesus.

In mark 5:21-43 we read about Jairus coming to Jesus, asking him to heal his daughter.

Jesus starts to come, but then the woman with the issue of blood touches Jesus’ robe and is healed. When Jesus stops to talk with this woman, some people come and tell Jairus that his daughter is dead, and that he shouldn’t bother Jesus anymore.

Can you imagine what Jairus must be feeling at this moment?

He has asked Jesus to heal his precious little girl, Jesus was on the way, and while someone else gets healed, his daughter dies.

The men are telling him the worst has happened, to come away, and stop bothering Jesus.

But, when Jesus hears what they said, his answer to Jairus is Don’t be afraid, just believe (See Mark 5:36).

The Choice

At that moment, Jairus had a choice.

He could believe the people who brought the facts, the bad news, and who said, just stop bothering Jesus, stop trying.

Or He could believe what jesus said.

And that is something we need to do when we want to overcome discouragement.

When bad news comes.

When the thoughts of discouragement and defeat are overwhelming.

When the facts don’t line up with what Jesus has promised.

We can let the facts, and the people who see the facts lead us to accept defeat,

Or we can get on our knees before our Father in Heaven and ask Jesus to give us direction and wisdom.

For Jairus, the wisdom and direction from Jesus was, Don’t be afraid, just believe.

What is Jesus’ Direction to You?

What is Jesus saying to you when you experience circumstances that leave you wondering what just happened, when discouragement, defeat and despair look like they are imminent?

Jairus had Jesus Himself, God incarnate physically standing next to him.

But we have Jesus with us in the Spirit, and we can seek His wisdom, direction and comfort through prayer.

To overcome discouragement, seek Jesus first. Seek His direction and wisdom for your situation and don’t let the people who state the facts lead you away from Him. Stay close to Him until you get an answer, until God speaks to your heart about the situation, and you know that you know that you’ve heard from Heaven.

This might take some extra time in prayer and worship, some extra time seeking the Lord.  

Take that time, to listen to Jesus instead of the naysayers, and let God speak to your heart.

Declare the Truth

And when God speaks to you, Declare that promise.

When I have dealt with discouraging situations, when I was on the brink of falling into depression, defeat and just agreeing with the enemie’s lies about my situation, I wrote scripture down and I repeated it out loud as I was getting ready in the morning.

And through that declaration of the promise, over and over again, refusing to quit, after many days, I overcame discouragement. The circumstances hadn’t changed yet, but the discouragement was gone.

What is the Word Jesus is giving you when discouragement comes knocking at your door? Pray and ask Him for that word, that promise.

Know that you have a choice. You can follow the people who have the facts, and let them talk you out of seeking wisdom from God, or you can take the time to get on your knees and seek God’s comfort and wisdom.

The people who came to give Jairus the news that his worst nightmare had come true wanted him stop bothering Jesus.

Bother Jesus!

Bother Jesus! Seek Him in prayer! Ask for wisdom! Bother Him! And Don’t let anyone tell you not too!

And when He has given you direction or given you a Scripture for your situation, declare that Scripture, that promise out loud every day. Declare it in the face of discouragement and bad news. Declare it and refuse to stop declaring it. Overcoming discouragement is possible when we seek Jesus for His wisdom, and declare his promise.

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