You know God has given you a promise of restoration.  You often come upon His promises in the Bible or hear them preached.

But then, when you take a step forward, it seems that something else drags you backwards. You find yourself in tears, depressed and reminded of the past.

You start to wonder about God’s promise.

Did He really say?

Is it really for you?

And then, discouragement comes, inviting you to sit down and give up.

You Are in a Spiritual Battle  

This is exactly what the enemy wants. He saw you take that step forward, and he does not want to lose you as his captive. For he knows that if you find freedom, you will be a testimony of God’s power and may steal even more captives out of his clutches.

You are in a spiritual battle.

I found myself in this battle many times. Each time I would cry and wonder at the discouragement. I would be angry because I just wanted to move forward and was frustrated that my journey was not as direct or as easy as I wanted it to be.

The Lord’s Help

But each time, the Lord helped me to get back up. He brought me encouragement through the scriptures, through a sermon or through a person’s words.  Sometimes, He brought an eagle at just the right time. The Lord has spoken to me a lot about eagles and how they fly above the storms of life.

When you find yourself in the battle of taking a step forward, and then being pulled back, know that it’s ok to cry and to feel your feelings. But then, remember to ask God for encouragement.

A Prayer You Can Pray Is:

Father God, I feel discouraged. I ask that you bring me what I need for encouragement, and that you would help me to keep moving forward. Your word says you know what I need before I even ask you, so I thank you for providing what I need to not give up. In Jesus name, amen.

You’re Getting Stronger

After each battle, you will find yourself stronger than the one before. And each step after that will be a little easier. One day, you will find yourself looking not at how far you have to go, but at far you have come.

For You have armed me with strength for the battle;
You have subdued under me those who rose up against me.

Psalm 18:39 NKJV

In His love,


© Carolyn Rice 2019 list

Another Post on Discouragement :

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