Keep my soul, and deliver me; Let me not be ashamed, for I put my trust in you ~ Psalm 25:20 NKJV

id-100288864Over and over, as I walked through the effects of trauma and abuse, people would tell me, “Just rest in God. He wants you to rest.”

I found this was so much easier said than done. How could I rest in God when I had learned not to trust anyone at all? I wanted to rest, oh, how I wanted to rest! Yet my lack of trust in Him was keeping me from doing so.

When you are not easily able to do something that seems to be easy for other people to do, it can make you feel discouraged and sometimes even ashamed.

It can even make you afraid to tell God Himself that you are having trouble trusting Him.

But Guess what?

Your heavenly Father already knows this. He is waiting patiently for you to come to Him with this, surrendering the mistrust you have learned over a lifetime. He is not angry at you, dear daughter of the King, He is so compassionate towards you and understands completely why you are having trouble resting in Him and trusting Him to work.

So today, if you have had trouble resting in God, tell Him about it. Ask Him to help you learn to trust Him, and then quietly sit in His presence.



Father God, I want to trust you, but I’ve been having trouble. Instead of resting in you, I’ve been exhausting myself, trying to fight my own battles. I’ve been worried, anxious and afraid. Lord, would you forgive me? And would you teach me to rest in you? I surrender myself to you Jesus, and ask you to walk with me in learning how to trust again. Amen.


Lord I’m Broken: A 90-Day Devotional is now available on Amazon.


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/





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