You have heard so much about forgiving others, but what about forgiving yourself? What about letting go of shame and condemnation, the feeling that you deserve to be punished for mistakes and wrong decisions in your life? Today I’m going to show you how to forgive yourself.

“you’ve forgiven them, but have you forgiven yourself?” the prayer partner asked.

I knew immediately I had not.

I’d been walking around, hating myself for mistakes and wrong decisions  I’d made as a very young lady.

Forgiving myself is something I still had to do.

But how do you forgive yourself?

Remind Yourself of God’s Truth

The first way to forgive yourself is to Remind yourself of God’s truth.

1 John 1:9 in the NKJV says,

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

If God forgives you, and does not hold it against you anymore, it’s time to let go of holding things against yourself. And it’s important to note here, that you don’t have to ask forgiveness 50 times for the one time you sinned and wonder if you’re forgiven yet. God’s word says when you confess your sin to Him, He forgives you.

Choose to Forgive Yourself

You can start forgiving yourself by choosing to do so. I’ll give you an example prayer you can pray:

Father God, I choose to first ask your forgiveness for ______________, I thank You that Your word says you are to faithful and just to forgive me, and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.

Based on your Word, I receive your forgiveness now, and I now choose to forgive myself for _______________, I choose to let go of having to pay over and over, punishing myself for that sin. I lay that sin at the foot of the cross, and I declare that I am cleansed by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

I ask you Father God, to go to work in me now, to take this sin from me. To help me to walk right before you, and to no longer fall into that sin. I pray that You would deliver me from all shame and condemnation, that you would help me to receive Your love for me, that you would help me to love myself, and see myself as cleansed from my sins by you. Thank you that by Your great mercy I can walk in forgiveness and freedom from sin. In Jesus’ name, amen

Deal with Accusing Thoughts

When accusing thoughts come up in your mind, you can pray again:

I have forgiven myself and I have received God’s forgiveness. I am a new creation in Christ and He is at work in me even now.

Continue to Grow

And now, move forward. Continue to grow. Continue to be In the Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to work in you daily.  He hears your prayers, and He will direct your steps to where you need to go. Invite God and then allow Him to work in you, and you will overcome the things that previously caused you to stumble.

If you have struggled with Brokenness, read a free chapter of my Book, Lord, Heal My heart here.

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