Things had been busy. I had two kids, a husband, a job…I was going to school, and I had a home to take care of on top of everything. I could feel my spiritual strength dwindling.

One day this emptiness was just too much.

“What happened, Lord? I used to feel your presence. What happened, Lord? I used to be so close to you.”

 For days, I cried out.

Then, I was reminded of a book that someone had given me for my wedding shower. I found it tucked away in the back of my closet and opened it.

The first thing I saw was a chapter on having a prayer time and taking time to worship.

So, the next opportunity I had alone, I turned on some worship music and began to worship and pray. Time spent in the Word and worship became a priority for me once again.

I felt my strength returning.  I no longer felt so empty.

That was over 20 years ago. I have never stopped my habit of finding time to worship, pray and be in the Word at some time during the day. And it has literally changed my life,it was in those times of prayer and worship that I have heard direction for my life.And when I followed that direction, it changed things.

 It was in that prayer time that I felt led to go to Bible college. It is in that prayer time where I felt the Lord heal my heart just a little more for that day.

Yes, but How Can We Make Time for Prayer that Changes Things?

But how can we, as women make prayer that changes things a priority in our own lives when we’re busy and we have a lot of things on our plates?

Something is better than nothing.

Prayer should not be a heavy weight or a chore. If you feel comfortable at 10 minutes, start there. It is not a race to see who can pray the most. Every person is different. Every person has different gifts within them.We are all made unique by our Father God.

So don’t compare yourself to someone else, but start right where you are. And as you do, you will grow and mature from there.

When my son was in preschool and I belonged to my local Mothers of Preschoolers group, I remember a lady who spoke.

She stood at the front of the church and said, “When you have toddlers to chase around and not a lot of time for yourself, I think that God knows that we’re busy and He’s okay with our small prayers.”

 So you start with the season of life that you are in at the moment. And you go from there. When I had little kids, my prayers were small, and as they grew older, my prayers got bigger and longer.

Schedule Prayer that Changes Things

Something else to remember is that you can schedule your prayer time.  What time is a good time for you? It might be a different time every day, depending on your schedule.

I’ve mostly done prayer and Bible reading in the morning because that’s what works for me. But when my daughter was little, I’d put her to bed at night and then I’d go pray and worship after she fell asleep.

What time do you have and where can you get alone for just a little while?

I’ve heard some people do it on their lunch hour. Some people take walks and pray. And when I had a house full of kids and a husband and a dog and people coming and going at all times, I would take my Bible into the bathroom and close the door where no one would bother me for a little while.

After a little bit would come the “Mom!”, and the knocks on the door.

But for just that little while I had that bit of time alone.

Today, I write books and Bible studies, I host this podcast, I have a family and a husband and a church family. But I know that I cannot write one word or speak one word to anyone else, unless I have brought my own heart to God first.

When we are pouring out to others, self-care, and that includes having your own time of prayer and your own time of taking in from the Lord, is very important.

Don’t Let the Enemy Lie to You

Another thing to remember about making time for prayer that changes things is don’t let the enemy lie to you.

 When I started making Bible reading a priority, I would read just that few little chapters, and then I would have this thought that said, you haven’t done enough, you haven’t read enough. You aren’t far enough along.

I went to a pastor, and he said, “That is a lie of the enemy.  Whatever time you spend with the Lord is blessed.”

Like A Drop in a Bucket

I like to think of it this way. Think about a faucet dripping. And if there’s a bucket under that dripping faucet, it will fill up eventually, and then overflow.

But it’s from a drop.

So each time that you spend a little bit of time with the Lord in His Word and in prayer, it is like a drop in that bucket, and it will fill up and overflow.

So, Making Time for Prayer that Changes Things Includes:

  • Finding a time in a place that work for you, and it might be different every day.
  • Not comparing yourself with someone else
  • Doing what blesses you. If you start small, that’s okay. It depends on what season of life you are in.
  • Don’t let the enemy tell you that you haven’t done enough or haven’t read enough.
  • Remember, every time with God is blessed time.

Can I pray for you?

Lord, I pray for my dear sister in Christ. I pray that the burden of having to do certain things or meet a certain time would be lifted from her shoulders. I pray that as she spends time with you, whatever time she spends, whatever time she gives to you would be blessed by You. Whether it’s ten minutes or fifty minutes, I pray that she would not compare herself to what someone else is doing.

And I pray that in the time that she does spend with you sitting at Your feet and taking in, that You would speak to her heart about who you made her to be, that you would speak to her through Your Word and encourage her for her day, and that you would give her what she needs. In Jesus mighty name I pray, amen.

Other Blog Posts

How to Pray: 4 Easy Prayer Points

How to Pray: A Prayer for Wisdom

© Carolyn Rice 2022

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