Have you struggled to believe God loves you? Maybe experience has taught you that you were unloved. Today, I’m going to show you what helped me become more confident in God’s love after suffering abuse, so that you can overcome feeling unloved and walk in the confidence that God loves you, and that you matter.

So how do we know God loves us? 

The verse we’ll start with today is Romans 5:5

And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. (NIV)


The first thing we’re going to do is meditate on that verse. And to meditate in the Biblical sense is to ponder this verse in your mind, to think about, to take it in.

Some ways we can meditate on this verse, or really any verse, is to ask ourselves,

How does this verse apply to me?

What difference does this truth make in my life?

As you pore over this scripture in your mind, or look at it on the page, you can ask the Holy Spirit to make this verse real to you, and then wait quietly, letting God speak to your heart about the question, how do we know God loves us?


The second thing we can do is to journal about this verse.

Some journaling prompts could be:

  • When you read this verse, what feelings come up within you?
  • What do you feel the Lord is speaking to your heart through this verse?
  • Are you struggling to believe this truth? And if you are, why?
  • Can you write out a prayer asking God to help you overcome this struggle to believe?


The third thing we can do is pray about this verse.

To pray Romans 5:5 you could ask the Lord to pour out His love into your heart, washing away all the places where you felt unloved.

You can ask Him to help you know that you are loved.

An example

Often when I’m having a hard time or a hard day, I’ll ask the Lord to help me feel His love that day. And the last time I asked Him that, I went for prayer at my church, and this older man from our church prayed something so special that only God would know made a difference to me, and it was perfect coming from a man who was old enough to be my father.

For anyone who has asked the question, how do we know God loves us, these are just 3 ways that have helped me become more confident of God’s love for me, when I grew up in an environment where I felt abandoned, alone, and fearful.

You can meditate on the word, journal the Word, and pray the Word about God’s love, asking Him to help you grow in the knowledge of His love.

Which one of these things will you implement in your life today?

This episode was inspired by Day 18 of my Bible study, Healing the Father Wound. 

Watch this video on Youtube.

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