vacationpics 131Recently, I was faced with a situation that seemed impossible. I felt like sitting down in tears and giving up. All week I was stressed and did not have any peace.

Finally my husband said to me, “I think the root of your problem is unbelief.”

I hated to admit it, but He was right. The reason I did not have peace, the reason for my stress was because I did not believe God would come through in this situation. I didn’t see how it could happen.

The next day I repented for not believing God. I lifted it up to Him, and committed it into His hands. I chose to trust him. Anytime the situation came to mind, again I would commit it to Him, and say with my mouth that He was bigger than this situation and I chose to trust Him to deal with it His way.

That same week, just days later, He took care of it. I didn’t even do anything, but the situation came to a head all around me. I literally was sitting in the middle of everything that had come against me falling apart before my very eyes.

I love that God showed me through this situation that I can trust Him with everything. When I choose to trust Him and believe that He’s got some way for things to work out, I have peace throughout the storm, I have confidence in God’s ability to take care of me, and I see his hand move right before my eyes.

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