I wanted to share with you a picture I saw in prayer the other day about the promises of God.

I was praying about a situation in our lives that seems like a huge mountain. It has gone on for decades with not a lot of movement. At times I have become discouraged, but the Lord is faithful and has always encouraged me and helped me to move forward.

Promises of God

A Picture in Prayer About the Promises of God

While I was praying, I began to see a picture of raindrops.

The raindrops were not regular raindrops though, they were huge, round and had something inside of them. I had a knowing that they held the promises of God.

I then saw the earth that the rain was about to fall upon. It was dry, dusty, almost dead looking. It seemed that it had not rained upon that land for a very long time.

How it Rains Here

And then I saw the rain. Now, we live in Washington State where it rains all the time. Sometimes when we can literally smell when the rain is going to come. The dampness in the air mixed with the earth creates this beautiful aroma.  And when it comes, it doesn’t come in a straight downpour. It starts with a few drops.

So many times, I have felt a drop or two on my face, only to hold out my hand to be sure of what I felt. Sure enough, it was starting with a slow, small sprinkle that later turned into a great downpour, watering our region with many inches of rain.

I only explain this to you, so you can picture in your own mind what I saw in the Spirit.  

Promises of God,  a Word of Encouragement

Raindrops Full of the Promises of God

These raindrops were big, full, and held the promises of God. They were beginning to fall upon the earth, in places that have not seen the rain in a very long time, maybe even decades.

Just like our rain here, the rain fell only in little drops at first. You might have to hold out your hand to feel if it’s really a raindrop or not.

But, unlike our rain here, each raindrop, when it fell upon that dead, dry and dusty earth, held a promise of God, and the places it hit turned green and lush.

The rain fell slowly at first, a few drops here, a few drops there.

A Downpour is Coming!

But just like our rain here in Washington State, the rain will pick up. The promises of God are coming to pass, because when the rain comes, it will make the land that was once dry and dead, become green and lush once again.

I felt like the Lord showed me this not only for my situation, but for many others too, that you have been waiting and waiting for His promises to come to pass, but it seems like all hope is gone. It seems like the situation is dead.

But don’t give up hope.

It is beginning to rain the promises of God.

In His love,


© Carolyn Rice 2021

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