heartpuzzleAnger was sucking me in.

I wanted God to “get” the person who hurt me repeatedly. I wanted vindication. I wanted Him to make them pay for what they did. I wanted them to get what they deserved.

Anger and offense caused me to forget what God had forgiven me for. I forgot that He’d taken me from the ashes of abuse and put me on solid ground. I forgot that it was because of His grace and mercy that I’m even alive today, let alone walking in freedom.

Anger and offense can tempt us to forget a lot of things.

But then God reminds you of what you forgot. Those moments are quite humbling; I’ll have to say. Then He reminds you that He came not to condemn the world, but to save it (John 3:17).

How do you respond to these reminders?

  1. Pray for the people/person who hurt you:

    Ask God to work in their lives and to give them life.

If you see any brother or sister commit a sin that does not lead to death, you should pray and God will give them life. 1 John 5:16 NIV

  1. Ask God to fill you with His love for this person:

There were times I told God I had no love in myself for this person, but would He please fill me with His love for them?

And He always answered that prayer.

3. Ask Him to heal your heart:

When the Lord asked me to pray for those who hurt me, my first natural response was, But what about me? What about my hurt, my pain? What about what they did to me?

And I have always found, that while I prayed for the other person, and released them into His hands, that is when God brought healing to my heart. Oh, it does not come overnight! But it does come.

Lift your own heart up to God in prayer, and give Him permission to work in you.

It’s important to remember that praying for those who have hurt you does not mean you allow them to hurt you again. You may have to take a break from them for a while, or not be around them at all. You are a valuable daughter of the King, and He has not called you to be abused.

Who Has God put on your heart to pray for today? Will you?



Father God, I ask that you would help me to overcome the anger, hurt and offense that came at the hands of others. Help me to forgive, let go of the offense, and move on. Show me what you would have me do and how you want me to pray. In Jesus name, Amen.

Lord, I’m Broken is available on Amazon and wherever books are sold online.

© Carolyn Rice 2017

Image courtesy of digitalart/freedigitalphotos.net

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