Don’t you hate it when you’re going through something hard, and someone gives you a platitude? It’s almost like they’re just telling you to smile and get over it. But some things are really hard to get over. Some things leave you broken, the shattered pieces of your heart and life seem to be everywhere.  But there is a way to step out of despair and get your joy back.

I quietly snuck downstairs one night when I couldn’t sleep and turned the television down to low. I’d been struggling with the questions of why, why had these things happened, and how could God turn these awful things for good?

An old Kathryn Kuhlman video was playing on tv, and she held two cups in her hands, and she was pouring water from one cup to the other. As she did this she said, “Those things that happened to you, they have shaped you into who you are.”

She kept pouring and kept talking about how God could take those things and use them for good. But how? How could God use abuse, trauma, things that really hurt me, and turn them for Good?

The Story of Jospeh

When I think about these things now, I often think of the story of Joseph, which begins in Genesis 37.

Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him, and sold him into slavery. And long story short, God took what was meant for evil, and used joseph to save many lives.

But it’s easy to say, God will use it for good, in Jospeh’s case, but what about when you don’t know the end of the story yet? When you’re just wrestling with what happened, when despair wants to engulf you?

Get Your Joy Back

The first step to get your joy back is to Look where you’re looking.

Even in the past few years, my husband and I went through some really hard things. And I struggled with putting my mind on the word, when I was so angry, when the injustice was so real, when I wanted so badly for God to bring vindication!

And I talked about my feelings, I didn’t hold those in. Because that’s not healthy to hold those feelings in, but my husband often reminded me of the truth.

Sometimes he reminded me of it again and again, when I just wanted to sit in the pit of despair and he wouldn’t let me! he kept speaking truth to me, and helping me out of the pit.  

That’s when God reminded me of meditating on His word.

So, I wrote down a scripture that had spoken to my heart, and first thing in the morning, I read the scripture aloud. I spoke it while I was getting ready in the morning, over and over, thinking about that truth.

This reminded me to look at where we are looking.

We don’t bury our heads in the sand.

We feel our feelings.

We set boundaries,

We deal with things that need to be dealt with.

But we also can’t stay stuck there in that place of despair, unfairness, injustice, because then you begin to wonder if God will ever come through for you, and the questions can swallow you whole.

Bring God Your Heartache

The second way to get your joy back is to Bring your heartache to Him.

When you come before God in prayer, in the Word, be real with Him.

Be authentic.

Pour out your heart before Him.

Tell him how you feel.

Tell him your’e mad at him if you are.

And it may be good, if you’re really struggling to seek counsel from a pastor or counselor that can help you process your


Ask God to Encourage You

Ask him to speak to your heart.

And God can speak to you through His Word, through something you see in your day-to-day life, through a conversation, or even listening to a sermon or podcast. God can use the most regular things, to speak to your heart, and to give you encouragement.

I would love to hear how God has encouraged you in everyday life. Comment below or send me a message on my contact page.

Refuse to Quit

Another way to get your joy back is refuse to quit on God

When you think of the story of Joseph, it never says he felt like quitting or fell into despair, But if you imagine yourself in his shoes, sold by his brothers, imprisoned and falsely accused, what would you be feeling?

I for one would struggle with discouragement and despair, and wonder if God’s dream was just a fantasy, and if I’d missed it completely. I would wonder where God was, and if he’d abandoned me.

And when you’re in that place, when everything seems dark, and you feel abandoned, know that the enemy wants nothing more for you to sit down and quit.

Because He knows that nothing can stop God’s will for you in your life, except you quitting.  No circumstance can stop it. No person can stop it. The enemy cannot take it from you.

You may find yourself in spiritual battles, where the enemy of your soul is trying to discourage you, where he’s using people and things to try and make you stumble, but know that he cannot take God’s purpose away from you.

Nothing can stop God’s will for you in your life, except you quitting.  No circumstance can stop it. No person can stop it. The enemy cannot take it from you.

I think that’s why God’s word to Joshua when he was about to bring the Israelites into the promised land, was:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

JOshua 1:9 NKJV

if you continue, taking just one step at a time with God, you will see the victory God has for you. You will see Him take what was meant for evil and in a way that only he can do, he will turn it to take you higher than you ever thought possible.

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