Imagine with me a beautiful bride, dressed in the most wonderful of dresses. Her groom sees her as the loveliest woman in the land, and only has eyes for her.

But then, imagine what it is like for him when he sees that his beautiful bride does not see herself as he sees her. The whispers of his love for her have been trodden by the lies of those around her, those who were jealous, bitter, unforgiving, full of malice and spite. Their words hung around her heart, attaching them there, until she saw herself according to their lies. Her groom looks on sadly as she looks into the mirror and sees their ugly words, instead of the beauty that she really is.

The Lies Defined You

Sadly, this happens to so many who have suffered at the hands of others. They have been defined by their abuser’s ugly words, ugly treatment, been worn down, made to feel less than, lowly, not deserving of love and certainly not beautiful. This may be how you have felt so many times before.

But your heavenly Father sees you as you really are. A beautiful creation in his eyes. He took the time to put you together, your personality, your gifts and talents, those things which make you unique. You are beautiful, valuable beyond measure; your heavenly father wants to help you shed the lies that came from others and to receive his definition of you.

You Can Be Free From the Lies

It can feel overwhelming, and so hard not to believe the lies that you’ve been told over and over again, making you feel sometimes less than human. But the good news is you don’t have to do this all by yourself. As you look to Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith (See Hebrews 12:2), He will help you replace those lies with the truth of his love for you.

Proclaim out loud that Jesus is Lord over your heart and invite him to come and heal you of the lies you’ve been told. Decide that you will only let he Lord define you and renounce the authority of those who tried to put their definition on you when they had no right to.

keep moving forward, daily following Jesus lead, proclaiming that He is the Lord over your heart and not someone who never should have been.


Heavenly Father, I ask that you unravel the wounding words and the lies that have defined me. By Jesus power, uproot the lies and help me to receive who you say that I am. I declare Father God that I receive your definition of me, and I renounce the authority of those who spoke those lies over me and my heart. I break the power of those words now in the name of Jesus Christ. I ask that you lead me and guide me into the healing that you have just for me. In Jesus name, amen.

© Carolyn Rice 2018

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