I was about to interview for Bible college. But the night before it’s as if something had come upon me, I couldn’t stop crying.

I felt this heaviness, the oppression on me. It continued through the interview, and for the next three days, just this oppression, this weight upon me.

I called a woman and asked her to pray for me. And pray she did.

She started calling out verses and declaring them over me, praying over me that no weapon formed against me would prosper (See Isaiah 54:17) and many other verses. It’s like this woman just went to town and as she prayed these mighty prayers, I kid you not, I could feel this heaviness that was resting on me, lift off of me and leave.

It’s In you!

Now, this was before any kind of ministry training for me at all. I was still in a place of brokenness. I was weak spiritually and emotionally, and I had never experienced anything like this before. I was in awe of how this woman praying and declaring God’s truth over me could make that thing leave.

And after we talked for a little bit longer, she declared just as loudly and forcefully as she’d prayed, “The spirit of God lives in you! It’s in you! You have the same authority!”

Greater Is He That Is in You Became Real

This was a pivotal time in my life.

I was about to go to Bible college, train for a ministry and study writing.  I believe that the enemy was trying to hinder me from walking into God’s plans for me.

I was about to learn what that woman said in a very real and true way.

The spirit of God does live in us. He is with us always. We do have the authority to pray His word and tell the enemy to take a hike.

 It says in 1John 4:4 in the NKJV, You are of God, little children and have overcome them because he who is in you is greater than he, who is in the world.

You have the Lord of all Lords guiding you, with you, never leaving you, never abandoning you, but living with you and inside of you.

You are the Temple, Greater is He that is In You!

Often you will hear how you should take care of your body because it is the temple of God. But now think of it this way…the temple of God.

This is where His Spirit dwells. His Spirit dwells in you, with you, never leaving you.

He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

What About When You Don’t Feel Like Greater is He that is in You?

But what if when the storms come or it’s very obvious that you’re experiencing spiritual attacks, what about when you feel like God’s just not there?

  • This is when you linger in God’s presence.
  • This is when you carve out some time just to be with Jesus,
  •  Just to sit with Him.
  • Be in His word.
  • Worship,
  • Praise Him,
  • Cry.
  • Just be with Jesus.
  • Pray the Word back to God.
  • Declare the Word over yourself.
  • Memorize the scriptures that pertain to your situation.
  •  Ask for God’s direction,
  • Ask Him to send people into your life to encourage you and help you walk out what God has for you.

Remember Who God Is

There are times when the enemy would like to seem bigger than God. And in those times, remember who God is.

When you come upon a scripture that talks about who God is, Ruminate on that. Meditate on that.

It will help you to keep the storm in perspective because dear sister, when we’re going through storms, it’s so easy to just ruminate on what happened or circumstances or what someone said.

It’s so easy to grab onto that and just chew on that in your mind and get so much more stressed out and so much more anxious and even sometimes, so much angrier.

  • Ruminate on the Word,
  • Ruminate on God’s promises,
  • Ruminate on who God is
  • Ruminate on the fact that God is bigger than what the enemy is doing.
  • Ruminate on the fact that in the end, God wins, and God’s people win.

A Verse to Give You Hope

And I just want to leave you with this verse.

It’s Isaiah 54:10 in the NKJV

For the mountains shall depart and the Hills be removed, but my kindness shall not depart from you nor shall my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord who has mercy on you.


So dear sister. Remember that the Lord is with you. His Spirit lives within you. You have His Holy Spirit leading you and guiding you. His Holy Spirit is there to comfort you, minister to your heart and show you the way to go.

Take some time to linger in God’s presence, giving the Holy Spirit room to speak to your heart and mind.

Be in the Word, Worship and declare the Word out loud.  Pray that Word back to God, and remember, ruminate, meditate on who your God is.

 He is the one who is bigger than the enemy. Greater is He that is you, than he who is in the world. You are never, ever alone.

Can I pray for you today?

Father God, I pray for my dear sister in Christ, that she would grow in her knowledge of you. That you would give her the time to linger and to be in your presence.

And as she does that You would minister to her heart, give her the direction that she needs. And Lord, I pray that your healing balm would just come down and flow into her heart, and you would begin that healing within her.

I pray father, that you would speak to my sister in Christ through your Word, that as she reads, the Holy Spirit would highlight verses to her and that your truth would come to life for her. I pray that the lies the enemy has tried to place on her mind would be cleansed by the washing of the water of the Word.

Thank you, father, for working in my dear sister’s life, for making yourself real to her. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

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Copyright Carolyn Rice 2022

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