So many of us pass by things that don’t look good on the outside; but the truth is, because of this, so many are missing out on what God sees as precious.
For God has hidden treasure in many people that don’t “look good” on the outside. They don’t look like leaders, they don’t look like someone who loves the Lord. Instead they seem broken, they seem weak, they seem trampled. They may have tattoos, they may not look like you and I. But God has hidden in them seeds of life.
When God gets hold of someone who’s broken, they realize their need for Him, and He goes about restoring them to what He created them to be.
It’s just like walking through an antique store. We who are just browsing through might see an old, worn, maybe dented piece of furniture. We might pass that by for something that looks better to us. But to a master builder, carpenter, restorer…. that piece of furniture most people would pass by, when restored, could be the most beautiful piece of furniture in the whole store.
So don’t dismiss those who are broken… they could be the most beautiful of all.
I like your analogy of antiques. I collect them. They are indeed treasures that others disgard without realizing their potential and value.
Thank you Sheryl, my step mom had antique family heirlooms all through her house. They all were wonderful and had a story, and yes, some of them would have been passed by by others, but they were cherished. God Bless you!
Very nice post, my friend 🙂 God bless you ?
Thank you, God bless you too.
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