When we are broken and hurting, often we reach out to other people thinking they will fill us.

How do I know?

Because I’ve lived it.

I watched my mother’s brokenness lead her down destructive paths that led her to cling to people to fill her. Sadly, the people she picked were also dysfunctional and destructive, leading to more abuse for her children and for her.

I grew up watching this pattern, and often reached for people to define me, to fill me, to validate me in some way. I too, fell into destructive relationships that very well could have taken my life.

But then, Jesus. Without His intervention, I know I would have lived a broken and hurting life.

He first called me out of the darkness, and in response to His love, I sat at His feet and gave Him my brokenness. I asked Him to heal me, and I asked Him to lead me and direct my steps. And the biggest thing of all, I asked Him to give me the courage to take the steps He led me to.

You can ask Him to heal you, but then when you get to a place where you must be vulnerable, do you run? Do you run away from looking at those feelings that live inside, tormenting you? Do you do as I did at first, and stick your toe in the water but run away because you might never stop crying or you are afraid to face the pain?

My mother never faced her pain. Instead she ran into the arms of people who left her more broken than when she began.

The only one who can truly fill you and heal you is God. If you ask Him, He will lead you and direct your steps. Will you trust Him enough to take the steps He leads you to?

Ask Him for the Courage to walk into your healing.

In His love,


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