Pressing on Towards Your Goal

I began writing my first book two years ago.

I dutifully looked up all the scriptures I would use, then did a study on each one; looking up Hebrew and Greek words, different  Bible translations, Bible dictionaries and encyclopedias, and seeking out commentaries on each verse.

I spent hours on the research.

Then a series of crisis’s hit our household hard. Some of them so traumatic they nearly took our breath away. Others brought our hearts to the very floor.

How was I supposed to write with a broken heart?

I didn’t feel I could.

I became very good at letting my writing time become babysitting time, appointment time or exercise time. I was discouraged, and wondered why God had put this writing project on my heart while all of these things were happening.

As long as I didn’t quit altogether, I thought I was doing Ok.

Then came our house hunt.

We have been looking for a house in the school district my son has a variance in for some time. We’ve made offers, only to be outbid on them. The market is tough, with lots of buyers and low inventory.

After coming home from looking at  yet another house that was not the one, I drew myself a bath to have some quiet time. I embraced the quiet and sat there for a while, when the Lord’s voice came loud and clear. If you want a nice house, you need to finish your book.

I didn’t understand how the two were connected, but I decided to make my writing time a regular and sacred thing. I began moving forward.

I never mentioned what I’d heard to my husband, just started writing regularly.

About a week later, we sat in a tiny Irish restaurant having lunch. Over an old-style wooden table, our conversation turned to the house hunt.

“For some reason, I feel that you finishing your book has something to do with us getting a house.” He said.

I looked at him, and just about fell out of my chair.


Of course, now I told my husband what I’d heard.

The message was clear:

God had given me an assignment, and I needed to finish it, no matter what else was going on around us. I may have been discouraged, but the truth was, He had called me to do it, and would give me the strength to finish.

Has God laid something on your heart?

Have you, like me, let other things come in and distract you from what God has called you to do?

It’s time to press on.

God has created you for a very special purpose, one only you can fulfill. No other person on this earth can bring your unique perspective and experiences. Be courageous and take the next step towards His plan for your life.

Keep moving forward, continue on, and do not quit.


Lord, I thank you that you have a plan uniquely for me. I choose your plans for my life, and I receive them now. Show me what it is you would have me do next Lord, and help me continue on until I finish what you have called me to do. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


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Image courtesy of Witthaya Phonsawat/

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