Thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace, [whose] mind [is] stayed [on thee]: because he trusteth in thee (Isaiah 26:3 KJV).
Trying to do things ourselves and in our own strength, struggling to make things happen. All of these lead to tiredness, weariness and exhaustion. We keep looking for what the Lord told us would be but we don’t yet see it so our heart is discouraged.
Look up into the face of Jesus. Let’s not look at all the storms going on around us. If we look at them, and try to save ourselves, we will be caught up in them. Keep our gaze fixed on the Lord and let scripture come out of our mouths (Hebrews 4:12).
Do we believe? Do we believe the promises he made us? Are they on our tongues and in our hearts (Romans 10:8)? Are we standing firm in His presence and on his word, or have we gotten caught in the waves of the storms around us?
Dear one, seek the face of the Lord. Look into His word, seek His presence, in these you will find peace. Let him guide your steps. Look to him and not to your own way. He knows far more than we do. Even when it doesn’t make sense, follow Him.
Do you know you are close to the Lord’s heart? He cares about what you are going through, and wants to calm that inner turmoil.
Father, forgive me for striving in my own strength. Help me to rest in your presence and find peace in your word. Send your Holy Spirit to comfort, encourage and strengthen me. I bring all worry, anxiety and fear to you, and ask you to give me peace.
© 2012 Carolyn Rice
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Thank you sis for this timely word. I have been feeling much pressure lately.,.,.but I KNOW where my help comes from. I will stand still and seek the salvation of the Lord.
God Bless you and I pray that the peace of the Lord which passes all understanding would invade your heart and mind and fill you so that you are not even moved by the waves, standing strong in the Lord always. God loves you so! We have such a wonderful Father in heaven.